Merg Limani Joins FXSpotStream

FXSpotStream is delighted to announce the appointment of Merg Limani. Merg joins the team as Regional Support Manager, Americas. With over 20 years’ experience in the FX industry, Merg has a wealth of knowledge and is a valuable addition the team. Most recently Merg held roles with Standard Chartered Bank and Traiana prior to that.

FXSpotStream co-founder and CEO, Alan Schwarz commented, “Client Support has always been a key area of focus for us at FXSpotStream and bringing someone on with the experience and knowledge of Merg is a testament to that. His background made him the ideal candidate as we continue to prepare for our new initiatives to launch in 2021.”

“Over the years, we have found that having a diverse team globally helps us better serve our clients and banks. In addition, by having a very diverse staff we gain valuable perspective that helps us support the clients we have around the world.”

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