FXSpotStream Claims Double At FX-Markets Asia Awards

FXSpotStream was honored as the “Best G10 Trading Platform” and “Best EM Trading Platform” at the FX-Markets Asia Awards.

The judging panel was keen to emphasize the customer focused approach of FXSpotStream, along with the ease of connectivity, strong distribution and innovation. The awards complement what has been an impressive year of growth in terms of volume across all three locations, with an increase of 44% in terms of volume supported in Tokyo over the Service (Jan-Oct) vs the same period last year.

Alan Schwarz, Co-founder and CEO at FXSpotStream described the awards as, “A great honor. The recognition we have received this year is a testament to the hard work being done by the team, our loyal clients, vendor partners and our LPs. Thank you all for your continued support.”

FXSpotStream is a bank owned consortium operating as a market utility, providing the infrastructure that facilitates a multibank API and GUI to route trades from clients to Liquidity Providers. Clients can access streaming of pricing from 15 liquidity providing banks from co-location sites in New York, London and Tokyo with no brokerage, data or hosting fees. FSS provides a multibank FX and Precious Metals price streaming Service, supporting trading in FX Spot, Swaps, Forwards, NDF/NDS and Precious Metals Spot and Swaps.

Jun Ikenobe, Deputy Senior Manager, LINE Securities, said: “The process for any FX related business begins with onboarding. FXSpotStream provided us with great support and connections to multiple liquidity providers, all at no cost. They were the ideal solution for our business.”

“We use FXSpotStream for a large proportion of our hedging transactions. In this regard, FXSpotStream excels, and we have built a strong relationship between the two of us as a result.”

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