e-Forex: FXSpotStream’s Extraordinary Growth Story Continues

e-Forex spoke with Alan F. Schwarz, FXSpotStream’s CEO, to hear about how the fully disclosed supported model continues to perform so well.

The increase in non-spot trading on FXSpotStream is a real growth story for you. Why is that and where is the interest focused?

Actually, all of our supported products continue to show robust growth. March was an all-time record for us with ADV hitting a record of USD62.4 billion and our overall volume reaching an all-time high of USD1.372 trillion. At the same time, since adding NDFs to our Service in 2017, we have seen tremendous growth in our Forwards and NDF volumes. Why is this a focus for us? Though the Forwards and NDFs volume is smaller compared with our spot volumes, it broadens our outreach in terms of who we can do business with.

Clients like the efficiencies we provide in connecting to one API and trading with up to 15 global FX banks. Similarly, the ability to trade all the FX and PM products they need down one channel helps them save time and money.

Read More Here.

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