FXSpotStream August Volumes: Record ADV, Daily Record and Overall Record

During August FXSpotStream’s ADV reached USD43.247 billion, the highest ADV ever on record for the Service and the third ADV record in 2019 (prior ADV high in June was USD42.258 billion). FXSpotStream’s ADV MoM (Aug ’19 vs Jul ’19) increased 19.23%. August’s ADV record of USD43.247 billion represents a YoY (Aug ’19 vs Aug ’18) increase of 52.46%.

In addition to an ADV record, FXSpotStream also hit a new Overall Volume record at USD951.432 billion.

On August 1st FXSpotStream recorded a new Daily Volume High of USD58.814 billion.

FXSpotStream’s ADV for all of 2019 (January – August) is up 35% when compared to the same period during 2018, continuing to again make FXSpotStream the fastest growing eFX Service in 2019

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