FXSpotStream® September ADV Hits Another Record – USD31.9 billion – up 12.41% MoM, and Remains the Fastest Growing eFX Cash Venue in 2018

October 4, 2018 – JERSEY CITY, N.J. – FXSpotStream® LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of LiquidityMatch LLC, breaks another ADV record registering an ADV of USD31.9 billion during the month of September. This is the 4th ADV record set in 2018 following records set in January, February and June.

September’s ADV represents a 12.41% MoM increase over August and a 5% increase from the previous ADV record set in June of USD30.4 billion. The ADV record also represents an increase of 33.19% over September 2017’s ADV of USD23.94 billion.

FXSpotStream®‘s YoY Growth contributed to a total of USD5.461 trillion transacted on the Service which is an increase of 47% when compared to the same period in 2017. FXSpotStream® remains the fastest growing eFX cash venue in 2018 with an ADV increase of 47% so far in 2018.

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